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Corporate information

Company name:

General Logistics Systems Czech Republic s.r.o.,
registered in the Commercial Register at Regional Court in Brno, Section C, Entry 66184


General Logistics Systems Czech Republic s.r.o.
Průmyslová 5619/1
586 01 Jihlava
Czech Republic

Company registration number (IČ): 260 87 961

Value added tax indentification number (DIČ): CZ 260 87 961

Customer support telephone number: +420 567 771 111

Information on Online Dispute Resolution for consumers:

The EU commission has set up an online platform for the online resolution of disputes ("ODR-platform"). This platform serves as a contact point for extrajudicial resolutions of disputes concerning contractual obligations, arising from online sales or services agreements.

Customers can reach the ODR-platform under the following link:
