Terms and Conditions
Průmyslová 5619/1
CZ-58601 Jihlava
hereinafter referred to as: GLS
These General Business Conditions are based on section 1751 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, and they complement the legal regulations specifi ed in the provisions of section 2471 et seq. of the above Act and are inseparable part of the Parcel Forwarding Contract, on the basis of which GLS undertakes to ensure the forwarding of parcels and the Client undertakes to pay the contracted reward – the price of the parcel-forwarding service. The General Business Conditions regulate in a binding way relations established between GLS and the Client on ensuring the forwarding of parcels.
The Client declares that it familiarized itself with the content of the General Business Conditions prior to the conclusion of the Forwarding Contract and that it agrees with them and accepts them without qualifi cation. These General Business Conditions shall be adequately applied also to the basic Contracts of Carriage made before the eff ect hereof and
a) such contracts are concluded pursuant to the provision of Section 2471 et seq. of Act. No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code;
b) should these General Business Conditions mention a Forwarder this shall be understood as a forwarding agent;
c) should these General Business Conditions mention a Client this shall be understood as a purchaser of transportation;
d) should these General Business Conditions mention a Forwarding Contract this shall be understood as a contract of carriage.